IMPOTUSA , une société de distribution avec plus de 50 ans d'expérience dans le secteur Agroalimentaire et plus particulièrement dans le secteur de la Viande .
Forts de notre vaste expérience , nous vous offrons des conseils parfaits dans le choix de nos produits, ainsi que le meilleur rapport qualité-prix et une attention personnalisée pour apporter une solution à vos besoins à tout moment dans les plus brefs délais.
Nous commercialisons nos produits dans toute l'Europe, l'Amérique du Sud et une partie de l'Afrique et sommes présents sur la plupart des salons Viande et Agroalimentaire qui se déroulent chaque année en Europe et en Amérique.
Nous offrons un service après-vente garanti sur toutes nos machines, soutenu par la grande expérience de nos commerciaux, ce qui fait d' IMPOTUSA la marque leader en Espagne pour la vente par catalogue dans le secteur de l' agroalimentaire et de la viande et avec une forte croissance en Amérique du Sud .

Qualité garantie
Pour nous, la qualité de nos produits et le service que nous offrons au client sont la chose la plus importante.
Nous collaborons avec des causes caritatives
IMPOTUSA collabore avec l'association Children Against Cancer, un projet de la Clinique Universitaire de Navarre.

Politique de qualité
IMPOTUSA (IMPORTADORA TUDELANA, S.A), a company dedicated to the storage and distribution of products for the meat, food and occupational safety industries, which has been in possession of the UNE-EN-ISO 9001 standard since 2003, has decided to implement a quality and food safety management system based on the IFS Logistic Protocol and the Codex Alimentarius, in order to improve the service it provides to its customers.
Quality and food safety is the responsibility of all IMPOTUSA's staff and covers all the activities related to it. Convinced that Quality will help us to achieve a system of continuous improvement, a continuous growth of the distribution market, a higher quality of service as a value on the rise and valuing the growing concern of society for the quality and safety of products, the Management is committed to:
- To achieve customer satisfaction in the "storage and transport of products", ensuring the highest level of quality, safety and product safety.
- To meet customer and regulatory requirements as well as other service requirements.
- Ensure a commitment to the environment in all our activities.
- To make available and provide the necessary resources, establishing objectives that support food safety.
- Ensuring the traceability of products, both stored and distributed, and the optimal hygiene conditions of our fleet and facilities.
Involvement of all the organisation's personnel in the management system, effectively assigning roles and responsibilities.
- Necessary training of all our workers for the correct development of all activities, especially those involving the handling of products destined to come into contact with foodstuffs.
- To guarantee the commitment of the entire organisation to the Food Safety Culture.
To achieve the above commitments, IMPOTUSA personnel will contribute to the development and maintenance of the Management System, reporting any problems they may detect, suggesting improvements, cooperating in audits and adhering to the written procedures and work instructions in force. Those responsible for the different facilities shall take special care to ensure that their personnel comply with these policies.
For compliance with this policy, I delegate overall responsibility for overseeing the effectiveness, implementation and maintenance of the Management System to the Quality Manager. This Policy is reviewed annually and is made known and understood at all levels of the organisation.
Fontellas, 29th February 2024
Lucas Gallego Escribano
The management