Nitrile gloves are an essential work tool in a variety of environments and situations. Their versatility, strength, and ability to provide protection make them a popular choice in fields ranging from healthcare to the food industry.

In this article we will explore in detail what nitrile gloves are for , what their features are like and what are the key differences between latex gloves and nitrile gloves .

What are nitrile gloves used for?

Nitrile gloves are an essential piece of personal protective equipment in many sectors. Their usefulness goes beyond simply being a physical barrier for hands, these gloves offer reliable protection in environments ranging from healthcare to food handling and the chemical industry.

We will delve deeper into the numerous applications of nitrile gloves, highlighting how they are used in different industries and why they are so valued by professionals in different sectors.

In the medical field

Nitrile gloves are widely used in the medical field. They are an essential part of personal protective equipment for healthcare professionals, such as doctors and nurses. These gloves are ideal for patient handling and medical procedures as they are highly puncture resistant and provide an effective barrier against body fluids and pathogens . Additionally, nitrile gloves are hypoallergenic , making them a safe option for those with latex allergies.

In the food industry

In the food industry, safety and hygiene are of utmost importance. Nitrile gloves are a common choice for kitchen workers and food handlers. They offer protection against cross contamination and are resistant to fats and oils , making them ideal for tasks such as food preparation and handling of meat products.

In the chemical industry

In industrial environments where chemicals and hazardous substances are handled, nitrile gloves are essential. Their resistance to a wide variety of chemicals allows them to protect workers' hands from potentially harmful exposures . These gloves are particularly suitable for laboratories, chemical plants and paint shops.

What are nitrile gloves like?

Nitrile gloves are manufactured from synthetic nitrile rubber, which gives them several notable characteristics:

Resistance: They are extremely resistant to puncture, making them durable and safe for use in high-risk situations.

Hypoallergenic: Unlike latex gloves, nitrile gloves are hypoallergenic, making them suitable for people with latex allergies.

Touch and sensitivity: They offer a good level of tactile sensitivity, which is important in medical and laboratory environments where manual dexterity is required.

Comfortable fit: They fit well in the hands and are comfortable to wear for long periods.

Chemical resistance: They are resistant to a wide range of chemicals, making them suitable for use in industrial environments.

Difference between latex and nitrile gloves

The choice between latex gloves and nitrile gloves depends largely on specific needs and safety considerations. Here is a comparison of the key differences between these two types of gloves:

Fabrication material:

Latex gloves: They are made of natural rubber. This material offers good elasticity and fit, making them comfortable to wear.

Nitrile Gloves: They are made from synthetic nitrile rubber. They are less elastic than latex gloves, but offer greater resistance to puncture and a wide range of chemicals.


Latex gloves: They can trigger allergies in some people, as they contain natural latex proteins.

Nitrile Gloves: They are hypoallergenic and less likely to cause allergic reactions, making them a safe choice for those with latex sensitivity.

Puncture resistance:

Latex gloves: They are less resistant to puncture compared to nitrile gloves. This makes them less suitable for high-risk situations, such as in medical and laboratory settings.

Nitrile Gloves: These are highly puncture resistant, making them a safer option for situations where there is a significant risk of exposure to body fluids or other contaminants.

Chemical resistance:

Latex gloves: They are sensitive to many chemicals, which limits their use in industries where hazardous chemicals are handled.

Nitrile Gloves: Offer excellent resistance to a wide variety of chemicals, making them ideal for use in the chemical industry and other environments where corrosive substances are handled.


Latex gloves: These are generally cheaper than nitrile gloves.

Nitrile Gloves: These tend to be a little more expensive due to their greater strength and versatility.

At Impotusa we have all types of nitrile gloves so that your workers work efficiently, complying with all safety conditions. Contact us , we will help you choose the best ones for you and your company.

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